Garden Lessons

Finding Oneness in the Garden

Modelled after the Choir and the Symphony
All the trees and flowers are oriented toward a focal point in the garden in front of the big pond (red asterisk) From this point the observer can see almost the entire 180 degrees of the back garden. The intent is to bring the garden as a whole unit to the observer, in the same way as the choir is one big voice to the listener, and the orchestra is one complex and astounding sound to the listener. – a “Wonderous Oneness” if you will.
The DESIGN – Modelled after the Choir and the Symphony
All the trees and flowers are oriented toward a focal point in the garden in front of the big pond (red asterisk) From this point the observer can see almost the entire 180 degrees of the back garden. The intent is to bring the garden as a whole unit to the observer, in the same way as the choir is one big voice to the listener, and the orchestra is one complex and astounding sound to the listener. – a “Wonderous Oneness” if you will.
Ashley Davidoff

Creating the Garden Rules to Ensure a Harmonious Environment

Said the Gardner to the Plants Trees and Flowers in the Garden or the Choirmaster to the Choir or the Conductor to the  Orchestra
The Garden and the Gardener The Choirmaster and the Choir and the Conductor and the Orchestra
In order for the Garden Symphony to come together in complete harmony there has to be an understanding between the gardener and the garden – each having responsibilities and rules to work towards pure harmony.

Said the gardener, choirmaster or conductor to the members of the group

I will look after you
I will respect you and your individuality
The way I have organized you, I am able to see all of you from the focal point so I can and will monitor and ensure your wellbeing
I will ensure you all get sun, food and water
Together you will make one beautiful wholesome harmonious garden. It will take time but it will come
Unfortunately time and disease has its toll on all of biology, and I will do my best to ensure kindness to you when these befall you
If I see that one of you is taking sun soil or water from another plant or tree, I will prune and correct the situation
We have to be together in this endeavor otherwise we will not attain pure harmony at the highest level

In order to create harmony at the highest level we will need to create rules

9 Commandments

said the gardener conductor and choirmaster to their groups

1- I am , the gardener conductor and choirmaster and am in control of how we will be as a group . If you choose a different leader we will never be able to reach a common harmony.  We have to be dedicated and committed to each other from the start – and once you contract in, you should not seek any other leader
2. You shall be dedicated to your task of bringing ultimate harmony to the world.  Do not lose focus and seek other interests that will redirect you away from your function
3.  You have to have full trust in and  respect of your leader There should be no ridiculing of the gardener, the choirmaster or the conductor
4.You must remember to rest
5. You must respect the generations that came before you  You are nothing without  the genes of the flowers and trees, or the music of Mozart, or Beethoven and all those greats that came before you
6. You must not kill other trees and plants, or other musicians or singers for that matter
7. You must not try and steal  the sun water or soil belonging to other plants or trees .. or steal  musical instruments
8. You must be honest to yourself and others
9.  You are who you are. Be proud of yourself, and of who you are .- Do not show jealousy or desire what other plants musicians or singers have.  You only waste energy in doing this and we need all your energy to have a singular focus

Time and Seasons

Time is a Moving Target – It is moving, but we need to target and prepare our seasons
How to Prepare The Garden And Our Lives for Each Season?
Are you prepared?
Lessons from the garden and my parents Le Dor Vador From Generation to Generation
Ashley Davidoff

To Everything There is a Season

Nothing Lasts Forever
To Everything There is a Season
Lessons from my Parents and the Garden Le Dor and Dor and Ecclesiastes
Ashley Davidoff

To Everything There is a Season Judy Collins and Pete Seeger

How to Prepare for the Fall in Our Garden and the Autumn of Our Lives?
How to Prepare for the Autumn in the Garden and Our Lives
For the Garden – Choose and plant a wide variety of trees that will provide a variety of colors enabling ongoing engagement, involvement, interest, and awe.
For our Lives – Choose a wide variety of interests that will enable ongoing color to our lives, enabling engagement, involvement, interest, and awe !
Acknowledging lessons from the garden and my parents – Le Dor Vador from Generation to Generation
Ashley Davidoff

And then there is winter

Our Garden – Winter at its Heaviest
The Fall passes slowly and we enter the cold and snow that drives all inward to seek protection The plants and trees shed their flowers and leaves – their energy source and their outside life of excitement that they had in the spring, summer and fall, now depend on their roots to sustain them through this difficult time.
What they have now is a history and a memory of Spring when they were full of energy and no responsibility – memories of Summer with friends social responsibilities, work, reproduction, family, flourishing , full of life – then the maturation process of the fall Now is the time for them and us to think about those prior seasons, and speak to the younger generation and impart wisdom No fancy parties are needed – No fancy clothes or cars, or meals or expensive wine – Just a nakedly honest review of real life, and advice to the next generation
Acknowledging lessons from the garden and my parents Le Dor VaDor from Generation to Generation
The Winter at Its Heaviest
Ashley Davidoff
When we are in the Winter of our lives, and the fruitful color of our Spring and Summer have passed us, and the beautiful rich mellow years of the Autumn have passed, we can find our depth and support in our roots We should never forget the importance of our roots which sustain us throughout our lives
Tribute to nature, our garden, our parents and our ancestors Le Dor Vador From Generation to Generation

When the Spring comes – everything is so young and fresh and immature and so welcome- like a new born baby .  And this is the time to sow your seeds in the garden, of hope and dreams and nurture and love learned from our parents. Give your young flowers and your children every opportunity to flourish  They cannot recognize their own potential – They are empty barrels with a genetic story  when they start out,  and an empty barrrel with potential requiring  nurturing , love and nourishment of the soul in order that they can flourish

When the Spring comes – everything is so young and fresh and immature and so welcome- like a new born baby .  And this is the time to sow your seeds in the garden, of hope and dreams and nurture and love learned from our parents. Give your young flowers and your children every opportunity to flourish  They cannot recognize their own potential – They are empty barrels with a genetic story  when they start out,  and an empty barrrel with potential requiring  nurturing , love and nourishment of the soul in order that they can flourish
Acknowledging lessons from the garden and my parents – Le Dor VadDor From Genetration to Generation