Shalom Bayit

On reflection, my hope for friends and family, and in fact for the world at large, is a New Year of PEACE. The word for peace in Hebrew is Shalom and the first letter is a Shin Shalom and Shin produce the sound SH – an appeal to the world to quieten down and to rather listen than to make so much noise
With this in mind I created a little sculpture to depict and reflect on the 3 pronged letter- The Shin. In the next few posts I will explore the symbolisms of this beautiful letter
Ashley Davidoff

Ashley Davidoff
The Shin of Shalom Bayit Peace in the Home
Courtesy Life Lessons Dor VaDor from Generation to Generation
Ashley Davidoff
Peace Shalom and Shin
3 parts of the Shin for inner Shalom (Peace) in the New Year
Body Mind and Soul
Excercise them all equally to find inner Peace
Courtesy Life Lessons LeDor VaDor from Generation to Generation
Ashley Davidoff
When all around you feels Hellish
Take a deep breath in
And a slow breath out on a slow count of 3
Courtesy The Power of 3 and the Power of the Shin of Shalom
Ashley Davidoff